NEW Grayscale mode for Wireframing available

Websites built faster. Wordpress made easy.

Start creating websites with a free Wordpress block theme including full-page templates and pre-designed page sections. With the power of Full-site Editing, you can customize every aspect of your site with ease.


The new editing experience

Say goodbye to a blank canvas when creating a new page. With our full-page templates, you can quickly insert pre-designed layouts for your homepage, about page, contact page, and more. In the editor you can customize every aspect of the page to match your brand and style.

Why choose Bergify

Not just another Wordpress theme but a complete design system for your Wordpress site.

  • Create your site in a few simple steps

    Start building your website by choosing a page template, then customize the content, and publish. You can have a stunning website up and running in no time, without any hassle or complexity.

  • Designed for beginners and professionals alike

    Full-page templates are an excellent starting point for beginners. With just one click, you can create a complete new page. Professionals, on the other hand, will appreciate the pre-designed sections that feature a uniform design and are easy to customize.

  • Easy to customize

    Bergify offers effortless customization options without coding. Customize individual blocks, pages and sections easily. You can update your entire site's design system with global styles, like colors, fonts etc.

  • Works with the default Wordpress editor

    No website builder is needed. With Bergify you just effortlessly create your website using customizable sections and blocks, whether you're adding text, images, or other advanced elements. It's intuitive and fast.

  • Fast performance, good for SEO

    Optimized for speed, your pages will load quickly, providing a seamless experience for your visitors. Additionally, faster load times can boost your site's SEO and improve your overall search engine ranking.

  • Mobile friendly

    With mobile optimization, your website will look great on any device, making it easier for users to access and navigate your content.

Take your website to the next level with the PRO version

Bergify PRO goes beyond just offering more templates - it provides a complete solution for designing your website. It's flexible, versatile, and complex, yet still easy to use and efficient.

News from blog

Check out the latest blog posts about Bergify

Mastering Website Wireframe in WordPress: Harnessing Bergify Grayscale Patterns

This article delves into an innovative approach to creating a wireframe in WordPress, spotlighting the Bergify theme’s unique grayscale global style, meticulously crafted to expedite and enhance the wireframing process.

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Choose the Right Theme: Three Key Elements of a WordPress Block Theme

The choice of a WordPress theme can make or break the success of your online presence. With the rise of WordPress Block themes, the game has been taken to a whole new level. These themes represent a paradigm shift when compared to the previous classic themes.

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The Power of Block Patterns in WordPress

With the introduction of the new block editor (Gutenberg), WordPress took a significant leap forward in terms of flexibility and creativity. Among the exciting features that the new editor offers, block patterns in WordPress have emerged as a game-changer.

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